KE Professional of the Year

Recognising the achievement of a KE professional at any stage of their KE career, over the past year. The KE Professional of the Year award is for someone who has gone above and beyond what is expected in their day-to-day role to contribute to a KE outcome and/or demonstrating a particular commitment to the development of the KE profession.

Applications should:

• Explain the individual’s role and why they deserve to be recognised by receiving this award.
• Describe how the individual has gone above and beyond their day-to-day role and the difference that has made to a KE team, project / initiative, or to the wider KE profession.
• Describe any particular challenges that the individual has overcome, or opportunities they have taken, and which play a part in making their achievement notable.

Am I eligible?

• This award is for a KE professional, working in a university or other research setting.
• Individuals can be nominated or nominate themselves. In the latter case, entries should include at least one referee to validate the entry.

How is it judged?

• Entries will be judged according to the achievement or commitment of the individual as described in the award entry.

How do I enter?

  • The link below takes you to a Survey Monkey form to complete your entry.
  • Respondents can save their work, leave their entry and return to complete it later, up until the point this it is submitted. Once submitted, entries cannot be changed.
  • Saved entries use cookies to store the information, so the same device must be used to complete the entry, and a second entry cannot be started until the first is submitted.